Monday, April 11, 2016

Nota Perpustakaan (Kamus) Hartanah

CA = capital appreciation
CF = Cash flow (positive)
TA = Tenancy agreement

OPM = other people money

IHC = investment holding company
EA = employee agreement

MV = market value

ROI = return on investment (Rental Yield)
COCR = Cash on cash return

LTV = loan to value

REN = real estate negotiator
REA = Real Estate Agent

DSR = Debt Service Ratio
DBR = Debt Burden Ratio
CRC = Credit Repayment Capacity

RP = Reserved Price
POS = Proclamation of Sale
COS = Contract of Sale
WTB = Want to Buy

MRTT = Mortgage Reducing Term Takaful
MLTT = Mortgage Level Term Takaful

PV = Payment voucher

MIA = Month In Arrears
NPL = Non Performing Loan
IL = Impaired Loan (Non Performing Loan)

MOF = Margin of Finance
MOA = Margin of Advance

OMV = Open Matket Value
PP = Purcahse Price

OTP = Order To Purchase

SPA/S&P = Sales & Purchase Agreement

MOT = Memorandum of Transfer

LF = Legal Fee
VF = Valuation Fee

Idea Asal : Property Hunter Group

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